
What I’ve noticed about reality is things are not what they seem. Here’s my two bits on the five sense prison and the new paradigms. Feel free to copy and redistribute my work with the one restriction of keeping it intact – all truth is free!

Divide: Left, Right and Conquer

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Following the Trump election there are some new words coming into the realm of popular lexicon. Ideologues and ideology were never really important to me, until now. Now, I realize where I am on the political spectrum. It was the rough attack by the feminists on Trump that got me to see the Left for what it is. Leftists include the liberals and socialists and communists. On the right are the individualists and dare I say Libertarians? I’m starting to think warm and Fuzzy!

It’s a trap to see everything political through this filter.

The republican and democratic parties don’t really fall in this spectrum. There’s opposing ideologues in both camps. Then there’s the Anarchist’s and Libertarians which I think can fit into both ideologies as well. But consider the Left Right Brain paradigm which in my opinion fits rather easily into political ideology. Easier than the supposed two party system does. On the left are the polarized rationalists and on the right are the artists. And, this is where I discovered the connection to good vs evil. So many defining traits are the same in both spectrums.

It has been said that our bodies are two individuals trying to unify. The female and masculine traits can define over this spectrum too.

With trump in the winners corner it’s proof we are living in interesting times. His buddy, Steve Bannon, is what got me to thinking “Is Trump really going to do what he promised”? The first observation is seeing the media vs the trump administration war break out. Bannons prior position in the self declared “rightist” publication Brietbart and trumps positions domestically firmly place the team in the right while the media is representing the leftist ideologies. With their weakening techniques of discrediting people and politically correct fake news the people across the globe are awakening.

Zbigniew Brzinski knew we were awakening and you can be sure they have applied thinktanks to this problem and what we see now in alternative and fake stream media is the results of their actions.

I think it’s important to discover what kissinger and trump discussed just prior to his victory. Which was a huge financial loss to the established military industrial complex. This is why so many people were so sure hillary was going to win. I was certain that it was gonna be trump that won the popular vote and cede to hillary on the night before. Since they were buddies and are I assume still this is what makes me think the global elite are playing the two sides against the middle.

Reversing many of obamas orders like transgender bathrooms and obamacare Trump has gained much political popularity.

In the long game obama was doing what he was told.

The soros angle and the navy angle

And then take into consideration just what it is that he is up against. Trump Admin Infested With Pedophiles?

New post follows as of July 7 2020:

– I drafted all the above just after trump got elected and stopped posting due to lack of interest. Alas, lots has happened since. But the main thing, I realize, is Trump taking on the satanic network. That network is really well covered in these two videos. I’ll name them instead of only linking from now.

Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2

The Family of Spies: Ghislaine Maxwell

These girls are really astute and amazing too with their investigations. Of course, I suspect EVERYTHING is controlled narrative, but this is the network I have been glomming on to as well. The thing is one giant conspiracy as long as time with one truth of our singular human condition. Seems entirely satanic like to me. And the massive global political awakening Bzrzinski was blabbing about is well under way.

There is no limit to how crazy the white rabbit and the red queen and the black pope and the color revolutions can be. So many stupid people of all races and nationalities and colors are being played by these masters of misinformation so well orchestrated it had to have been practiced.

I have even been suspecting recently, since I tend to go overboard with my speculations, that the anti-satanic whitehat/Qanon movement is long planned “revelation of the method” type revelation. Because, they have been planning this as far back as before Jesus. I don’t know how this is possible but just imagine how the world would look to us if they had some kind of time manipulation technical ability. These videos above show the control of science and data, my posts here at and another post I found about the same gigantic subject.

I couldn’t even explain the total interconnectedness exposed on this pages links. Now that Ghislane Maxwell is singing and her childstealing network is exposed as never before and the whitehat/qanon people are hitting the old money Rothschilds (word means red shield btw and think about it, right?), the truth about all this is making waves. Theres 160,000 sealed indictments and the MSM doesn’t even notice when these guys are getting nailed.

You really need to look at stories like pope benedict and jimmy savile to see how old of a conspiracy this is. I feel like I’ve already said all I can say about all this. My last post was Youtube is CIAtube and of course the links to videos are broken.

I am on full boycott for the silicon censorship monsters who are trying to coverup the satanic/communist conspiracy so many of us are now talking about. They are desperate AF now and we can see it in the run up to the TRUMP WIN. There is nothing that can stop the power of good versus these evils. But I wonder now, how is it possible to eliminate the satanists without a full blown Che Guevara style communist purge?

I would love to pile on the WWG1WGA bandwagon with General Flynn and the Qanons and the Whitehats because their cause is just. I hate communists. I hate satanists. And I’m not so sure about Jesus saying forgive thy enemy. I also will never understand why everyone is not anti-satanic.

On the otherhand what if the whole satanic childstealing, adrenochrome drinking evil empire is exactly the divide and rule plan these dirty global elites have always used. Time and time again.

I got so much information in my past blog, I posted from 2002 or so to 2010 while I was waking up to this all laid out nicely in the Paradimentia Blog Table of Contents read the Spoiler Warning

Please take the time to read this stuff. The amount of time required is so high I know. On the ChairmanLMAOs silicon valley satanic origins post the total video length is 24 hours. I watched it all. If you can bear that guy talking for that long, it’s amazing information.

I really think if enough people wake up it will be the end of their 1000 year scam and all of humanity will prosper, in all ways and for always. Not sure to signoff with this but what the hale! Hillary is evil! Trump is good(I hope) WWG1WGA